Join St. Mark’s Study: Help Shape a Sexual Function Questionnaire
A research team at the St. Mark’s Hospital Academic institute is looking for volunteers to help refine a sexual function questionnaire which will be used to support patients undergoing non-cancer colorectal surgery.
Fellow pouchees and past pouchees,
Those clever people at the St Marks Academic Institute have asked for our help in seeking 20 – 25 volunteers who can help them with some crucial research. Please consider taking part in this study and email Shivani at LNWH-tr.sexprom@nhs.net if you would like to take part.
The sex-PROM study will develop a sexual function questionnaire which will be used to support patients undergoing non-cancer colorectal surgery. This includes people like us who have undergone or are undergoing ileo-anal pouch formation.
The team has now developed the initial questionnaire. The next phase is to test the questionnaire to ensure it is relevant to patients, easy to understand and effectively supports patients after surgery. Participation in this phase will involve a short, 30 minute interview via Microsoft Teams/Zoom at a convenient time for you. During the interview, you will be asked to fill out the draft questionnaire and provide your feedback on the layout, wording and response options to ensure they are relevant and easy to understand. That’s it! – a 30-minute zoom call at a convenient time during which you will be asked to review a form and give your feedback!
The study is open to men and women and you do not need to have a sexual dysfunction to take part. All responses will be anonymised and treated in strictest confidence
Thank you for your consideration, on behalf of Shivani and the team at the St Marks Academic Institute.
David Davies
RLG Chairman

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