
RLG monthly J Pouch forums on zoom

A quote from a first time attendee “…Thank you – I did enjoy the session.
I’d forgotten that in certain circles I am perfectly normal!“.

The first RLG pouchsupport zoom forum of the year took place on Tuesday 7th January with a group of pouchees dialling in from the comfort of their own homes and confounding the artic weather.  The big benefit of the zoom forums is that you don’t have to travel to have an informative, supportive and relaxing pouch chat with fellow pouchees.   You can make a cup of tea before, during and after or indeed crack open a tinny or a bottle of Pinot if the mood takes you (other wines are available!) 

The RLG zoom forum series has been running for more than 4 years, since July 2020 when the RLG Committee set these forums up to maintain contact and communication amongst pouchees during the first Covid lockdown. The sessions are moderated by myself David Davies and Gary Bronziet – two RLG stalwarts.  They make sure everyone who wants to speak gets a chance to contribute, they make sure wherever possible that all topics are discussed and they check that any new attendees are aware of the few practicalities.  There are no minutes or recordings, so “what goes on in the zoom stays in the zoom”  and this reassures people to disclose freely in the group.  An important principle when the topics include pooh, medications and bowels (or lack of them) that would probably get an 18 rating at the cinema.  The January meeting covered a wide range of topics, usually supported with all-important personal experiences and perspectives which help us to know we are not alone.  Topics included :-

  • Blockages (causes, symptoms, treatments and the need to go to hospital),
  • Comparisons with life with a stoma
  • New stoma technology
  • Pouchitis (treatments)
  • Probiotics VSL#3 and Vivomixx (with the revelation that one attendee still gets VSL#3 on prescription!)
  • Haemorroids (occurrence, causes and treatments in pouchees),
  • Use of the Aquaflush system and comparison with a catheter alone
  • Use of Fibogel and Metamucil thickeners,
  • Gastrograpin
  • Bimuno prebiotic
  • Anusol, Germolene and Ostique stoma bags…..

In addition we talked about availability of pouch nurse specialist expertise and resourcing updates from St Marks hospital.   There is no pre-set agenda, and topics to be discussed are agreed on the night.
It sounds pretty dry stuff, but humour is an important component, whether it is personal recollections of pouch disasters, confusion about best how to use a catheter on a moving train, offering used medina catheters to other pouchees (well washed apparently), how to hide a catheter on your person when attending a wedding or how to describe your operation to a blind date.  This is a terrific group for some pouch-related humour!

Such is the vibrancy of the discussion – these meetings usually overrun. So it was that the meeting ended a few minutes past 9pm, but with almost everyone able to stay to the end.  

This series has been running for over 4 years now; in fact the 5th anniversary will be July 2025.   It is a friendly and welcoming forum for pouchees and potential pouchees to enjoy a supportive and informal chat about pouch stuff.  Thank you to everyone who dialled in and joined in with the discussions on 7th January.  

The next RLG zoom forum will take place on Wednesday 5 February starting at 7.30pm.  Registration is necessary before the event to receive the dial in details, but registration does not commit you to attending – we know things crop up!

Registration is via the events page on the RLG website

Looking forward to seeing familiar friends and new faces at the February session! 

Best wishes 
David Davies
RLG Chairman

Gary Bronziet