Dr Sonya Frearson talks “Psychological impact of bowel surgery”…
Dr Sonya Frearson talks “Psychological impact of bowel surgery” in our next webcast
Following on from our highly successful webcast featuring Ellie Bradshaw, next in our series of live webcasts will take place on Friday 21st June at 5:00pm and will feature Dr. Sonya Frearson, consultant clinical psychologist and head of the St. Mark’s Hospital Psychological Medicine Unit (PMU). Within the Psychological Medicine Unit (PMU) she is developing psychological support for St Mark’s gastroenterology patients by gradually embedding specialist practitioner psychologists into St Mark’s multi-disciplinary care teams. You can expect the Q&A to be very interesting providing an opportunity to discuss the psychological impact of undergoing and living with major bowel surgery.
Attendance is FREE and open to all, but prior registration is required. You can register using button below.
and don’t forget to checkout pouchsupport.org/events for details of other upcoming Red Lion Group online events.

You can view the recording of the webcast by Ellie Bradshaw on the subject “Biofeedback management of Pouches” on our Youtube channel here
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