Intrepid bodybuilder Zoey Wright who was crowned world champion fitness model while wearing a stoma-bag at the Pure Elite Pro World Championships recently has taken the next step and had a J-pouch fitted in April this year.

The Red Lion Group offer Zoey our warmest congratulations for her bravery and decision to opt for a J-pouch. Our thoughts are also with her during her post-op recovery period.
Despite more than four years of serious uc issues and frequent visits to hospital, Zoey, as many Roar! and pouchsupport.org readers know, decided to continue her bodybuilding and fitness model career while wearing a stoma-bag. Her success with an ileostomy in the world championships is probably a first in the worlds of sport and fitness.
27-year-old Zoey told Roar!: “Recently, I said goodbye to my stoma and hello to my J-pouch. I lived with my stoma for over four years and so it is taking some time adjusting to the new ‘plumbing’, but I’m extremely happy with how my recovery is going so far.
“My surgeon and his team at the Royal Cornwall Hospital have been amazing and there to answer any questions big or small! I’m looking forward to getting back into weightlifting and fitness instructing very soon and hopefully go from strength to strength with my J-pouch!”

You can keep up with Zoey’s progress on www.zoeywright.com, Twitter (@zoeywrightx) and www.instagram.com/zoeyfitness.
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