
I am passing on the chance for you to get involved in some research being conducted by a doctoral student, Zeina Bushnaq, at the University of Roehampton. Zeina is asking people with ileostomies or pouches for their experiences and thoughts regarding mental health services.

The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete, the project has been approved by the University ethics committee and your data will be confidential and anonymised.

There is no payment, but I hope a few of you will have the time and motivation to complete the survey.  Zeina has prepared a flyer for more information and your participation is completely optional!

If you would like to take part in this study, for more information please click here

Thanks on behalf of Zeina and her colleagues. And don’t forget to mention where you heard of the research.


David Davies

Chaiman – Red Lion Group

Gary Bronziet